5 Five of Cups - The Kalo Cards of Kahuna Lani

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          Five of Cups
The Five of Cups indicates that the Transient is focused on the negative rather than concentrating on the positive which is there. Although things are not working, there are things that have not been tried as the solution is there; intention is not concentrated or is in the wrong direction. “Don’t cry over spilt milk.”

– half way through cycle, but plans partly upset. Needs new start.
5 of Hearts: H + L. HAIL, the overturned cups in front of one. I dissolve into the hail, into the depths of the overturned cup. Here is the direction of focus, of where the attention is placed. Ultimately, the attraction comes from what has failed, what is hurt. And there is no seeming attraction to what might work if given half a chance. The fallen cups in front of me, the upright cups behind me. The past and the future. But which is which? What have I not tried, or what have I tried that failed? "You're overlooking something!!!" Your Aumakua says.
suffering a LOSS
feeling BEREFT
feeling REGRET
  • letting go of a hope
  • giving up the win
  • experiencing a setback
  • being defeated
  • having a possession taken away
  • saying good-bye
  • breaking up a relationship
  • feeling deprived of love
  • longing to be reunited
  • grieving
  • feeling sorrow
  • being disappointed by events
  • crying over spilt milk
  • wanting to turn back the clock
  • wishing for what might have been
  • believing you made the wrong choice
  • acknowledging mistakes

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