7 Seven of Wands - The Kalo Cards of Kahuna Lani

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Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands represents competition; fighting to get to the top of this hill; King of the Mountain; struggling to get ahead.

    – effort to keep on top of the pile.
7 of Clubs: C + K. COKE. Coke is king. There’s no competition for Coke I stand back. This is both an error and a correctness, an advantage. This competition thing. It tries, and seemingly succeeds with a lot of people in bringing outside of yourself what should remain inside. Where is the real battle, the real competition? Is it to get what you want, or to want the things that nurture the soul? 

I think of all those rock stars, they have everything they want, and at a very youthful age. Wealth, fine food, places to go, people who even scream to see them; more sex then they can handle; all the music they can make. Yet so many of them kill themselves; indirectly through drugs or alcohol, or directly. Why? If they’ve really won what is here to win, shouldn’t they be happy? No, it is a mistake to externalize what should be internal. Are our daily deck memorizations and other exercises a competition? If so, then with whom are we in competition? If we were “successful” would we kill ourselves in despair? The 7 of Clubs. On the outside, a card simply indicating competition. But on the inner or deeper meanings it asks, “Who is the person in competition with?”
The Seven of Wands is all about taking a stand. 

  • being sure
  • having a fixed position
  • demonstrating strong character
  • standing up for what you believe
  • knowing you are right
  • acting resolutely
  • being firm

  • holding out against pressure
  • defending your position
  • opposing all challengers
  • combating criticism
  • refusing to yield
  • saying "No!"
  • resisting authority
  • going after what you want
  • asserting yourself
  • taking the offensive
  • firing the first shot
  • fighting
  • making your point forcefully
  • seizing the advantage 
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