Minor Arcana - Swords (Spades) - The Kalo Cards of Kahuna Lani

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Tarot Card Meanings
Swords are the cards of the mind, and of conflict. 
The sword cuts to the truth of a situation; usually drawing blood in the process.
The Field of Action represented by Swords (Spades)  is:  conflict and making your way in the World.  Study the image of each card as you read their meanings.
Max Freedom Long wrote of the Swords:
SWORDS:  This suit has to do with the opposition which is being met as a series of events or as a project is traced through the cards.  On the other hand, the SWORDS may show in their run the Transient’s making of war on people, events, obstacles and so on.
Kahuna Lani teaches that Swords can represent aggression and assertiveness.  There are two drives - the Will to Serve and the Will to Power.  In order to be of Service, one needs to be sufficiently aggressive or assertive to attain a goal.  Both these drives must be present.  In Huna, we strive to enable the Will to Serve to dominate our actions.


I or Ace – sees need to fight for self or others

II – sees well armed but unable to fight intelligently

III – sees small disappointment

IV – sees plans held up and an enforced wait

V – sees the end of half the struggle, with way blocked

VI – sees new start and plans, moves, transitions

VII – sees tricks being played by one or by the fates and enemies obstacles. Bad luck

VIII – sees apparent defeat of self or could be of enemy

IX – one awakens as from nightmare, things not as bad as feared

X – is double meaning card. Ends try, with self or enemy obstacle on top

PAGE – is inexperienced in meeting trouble

KNIGHT – is experienced and rides fast to right wrongs

QUEEN – is able to dictate. May be widow with power

KING – is man with power and may help or hinder according to cards coming with him
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